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          • Knock Out Drum
          Knock Out Drum

          Product features:The Knock out drum is a vessel in the flare header



          產品描述The product description

          Product Description:

          The Knock out drum is a vessel in the flare header system designed to remove & accumulate condensed & entrained liquids from the relief gases.

          Both the horizontal & vertical design is a common consideration for the Knock out drum, which is determined based on the operating parameters as well as other plant conditions.  If a large liquid storage capacity is desired and the vapor flow is high, a horizontal drum is often more economical.  Also, the pressure drop across horizontal drums is generally the lowest of all the designs.  Vertical knockout drums are typically used if the liquid load is low or limited plot space is available. They are well suited for incorporating into the base of the flare stack.

          Manufacturing standard:

          ? Chinese standard GB150-2011

          ? ASME Standard

          ? European Standard PED (CE)

          ? Other countries like Malaysia DOSH, Singapore MOM, etc

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