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          • Heat Exchanger
          Heat Exchanger

          Product features:Heat exchanger is a system used to transfer heat b



          產品描述The product description

          Product Description:

          Heat exchanger is a system used to transfer heat between two or more fluids. Heat exchanger can be used for both cooling and heating processes. The fluids can be separated by solid walls to prevent mixing, or they can be in direct contact.

          Heat exchanger A circulating fluid used as engine coolant flows through the radiator coil, air flows through the coil, and the coolant cools and heats the incoming air. Another application is a heat sink, a passive heat exchanger that transfers heat generated by electronic or mechanical equipment to a fluid medium, usually air or liquid coolant.

          Manufacturing Standard:

          Chinese standard GB150-2011

          American standard ASME

          European standard PEDCE

          Other countries Malaysia DOSH, Singapore MOM, etc.

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