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        1. Welcome to Taian strength company's website!



          • Deaerator

          Product features:Thermal deaerator, also known as rotary film deaer



          產品描述The product description

          Product Description:

          Thermal deaerator, also known as rotary film deaerator, can remove dissolved oxygen and other gases in the feed water of thermal system to prevent equipment corrosion. It is an important equipment to ensure industrial boilers and heating systems. Group, water grate, liquid-vapor network, steam distribution plate, steam-water separator and other components. The strength electromechanical thermal deaerator is professionally manufactured with high-quality materials, and has the characteristics of high deaeration efficiency, high adaptability, stable and reliable operation, energy saving and environmental protection.

          Application field:The thermal deaerator can remove dissolved oxygen and other gases in the feed water of thermal power systems such as thermal power plants, thermal power plants, and self-provided power plants to prevent corrosion and damage to boiler feed water pipes, economizers and other ancillary equipment. important equipment of the system, so as to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

          Manufacturing Standard:

          Chinese standard GB150-2011

          American standard ASME

          European standard PED(CE)

          Other countries Malaysia DOSH, Singapore MOM, etc.

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